COMP2243 - Programming and Problem Solving

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Arrays Book Rating OOP Program
Array of Objects Program

ArrayProcessing Program


This program creates an array of int to store 25 integers and then uses several methods to do the following:

Fill in the array with random numbers

Calculate the total value of the array elements

Find the smallest element in the array

Search a particular element in the array

Sort the array

Associated Concepts:


Random number

Sequential search algorithm

Selection sort algorithm


main method:

Create an array of int to store 25 integers

Call methods to:

Populate the array with random integers

Print array elements

Calculate the total value of the array elements

Find the index of the smallest element and print the smallest element

Search an element and print its index if found

Sort the array

Print the array elements in sorted order

populateArray method definition:

Create a Random object

For i = 0 to last index of array cell

Generate a random integer and assign it to cell i

printArray method definition:

For i = 0 to last index of array cell

Print the array element at i

sumArray method definition:

Declare variable sum and initialize it to 0

For i = 0 to last index of array cell

Add the current element at i to sum

return sum

indexOfSmallest method definition:

Declare variable minIndex and assign it to 0 (Assume the first element is the smallest)

For i = 1 to last index of array cell

If the current element at i is less than the current smallest element

    Update minIndex to the current index i

return minIndex

sequentialSearch method definition:

For i = 0 to last index of array cell

If the current element at i is equal to the searched key

    Found it and return i

If the loop ended without returning i

    Not found and return -1

selectionSort method definition:

Find the smallest element and swap it with the first element

Find the second smallest element and swap it with the second element

Continue the process ......

Source Code

Sample Run
